
Residenskonstnären Marija Griniuk presenterar sitt arbete i Travershallen 2 – 18 nov.

Utställning 2–18 november

Stones and Bodies: Connecting with Ivan Aguéli’s Art through Remembrance of Gotland

2 november: Vernissage och performance

Konstnärerna Rait Rosin (EE), Kaspar Aus (EE), Great Balčiūnaitė (LT) tillsammans med Marija Griniuk kommer att genom performativa gester utforska ett nytt narrativ av Ivan Aguélis arkiv, med anknytning till Gotland.

Genomförs med medel från Nordisk Kulturfond.

About the Exhibition: Aguélimuseet will present Stones and Bodies: Connecting with Ivan Aguéli’s Art through Remembrance of Gotland, an exhibition by Lithuanian artist and researcher Marija Griniuk. The exhibition will be on display from November 2 to 18, 2024. In this project, Griniuk delves into the artistic legacy of Ivan Aguéli by examining his personal connection to the island of Gotland. ”Early on in our communication, Marija expressed a strong interest in Aguélimuseet’s digital archive, which includes letters written by Aguéli, newspaper articles, and his paintings.” states Johanna Sims, Curator at Aguélimuseet.

Griniuk’s journey with Aguéli’s work began with an investigation into his time on Gotland, drawing insights from his letters, paintings, and postcards. Through this study, she explores how the island’s landscape and unique environment may have influenced Aguéli’s artistic vision. This personal reflection resonates with her own connection to Gotland, which began in 2021 during her residency and solo exhibition at Körsbärsgården.

Though Lithuania and Gotland are separated by only 450 kilometers, Griniuk’s experience of traveling between the two places felt much longer due to challenging transport connections. This sense of distance—both physical and creative—underpins the themes of her exhibition, which includes paintings, drawings and installation works.

We invite the public to explore this reflective exhibition that bridges past and present, art and memory, through Griniuk’s artistic work. The project is supported by Aguelimuseet, IASPIS – the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s international programme for visual and applied arts, Frame Contemporary Art Finland, Resurscentrum för konst Västmanland and Nordisk Kulturfond.

Presentation av Marija Griniuk

Hon har en bakgrund i performance-konst och performance-pedagogik och har under det senaste årtiondet jobbat aktivt i den nordiska regionen. Fr o m 2024 är Griniuk postdoktor i performance-konst vid Vilnius Academy of Arts.

Under sin 4-veckors residenstid i Sala kommer Marija Griniuk att arbeta utifrån material som finns i Aguélimuseets digitala arkiv och hon kommer bland annat att genomföra ett antal workshops där deltagarna jobbar interaktivt med arkivmaterialet med hjälp av de digitala verktygen Makey-Makey och Scratch.

Marija Griniuk:

The focus on archives is related to my long standing interest in the formation of post colonial consciousness and artistic language capable of conveying stories related to the shaping of contemporary imagery and emphasizing forgotten traditions as an essential element in contemporary art. In my performance artworks I unite archival materials, storytelling and biometric data from my body, remediate into sound and colour.